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Dear visitor Dr Raina's Safe Hands is a multispeciality polyclinic where you can get solution for the problems which are related to the lifestyle. Now a days there are number of problems which males face in day to day working. They are overstressed, their stress levels are very high, they are burden by the work, they are running from morning to evening in search of good jobs,carrier,home and betterment of life, they do not eat good food. what is the meaning of good food ? You have to take your food which should be full of protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It should be in the moderate quantity but what the new generation does is they eat enough of carbohydrates, they eat enough of sugars, they eat enough of proteins which is creating a disbalance in the system and which leads to the serious stress and by the stress the men face number of problems when they have encounters with females. Whenever they encounters with the females they feel very weak, they don't have more energy, they are not so much happy, they are not so high. So guys you have to moderate your diet.


In diet you have to take proper food that means you have to take breatfast on time, lunch on time and dinner on time. You have to take heavy breakfast it should include balanced diet which should have if you are non vegetarian it should have two eggs, it should have one glass of milk, it should have 10-15 pieces of almonds, it should have 1-2 wallnuts, it should have one katori dal, 1 chapati and it should have a bowl of fruits. So this is known as the good breakfast and in the lunch you should have one katori of dal, any vegetable if you are non vegetarian it should have chicken or mutton not more than 1 to 2 pieces and you can have two small chapati not more than that and in evening when you are having dinner you should have very less quantity of food. You should eat 1 or 2 chapati, 1 vegetable or dal or if you are non vegetarian than you should have only 1 dish. In the day after lunch at 3 or 4 pm when you feel hungry you should have a bowl of fruits which will give number of vitamins in the body and vitamins what they do?. They will increased the energy, it will make you very high you will feel stronger from inside and will not face any embarrassment when you will meet any lady. So guys make it mendatory that you take good food.

Now we are talking of problems related to lifestyle what is life style?. A good lifestyle means that you have to excercise daily you have to get early in the morning at 7am, go to the walk, walk for 45mins and in 45mins you should walk near about 6kms. This will energise you, you will have good enery in your body, you will feel very strong, your blood circulation will increase. It will increased in all parts of your body where you feel weekness?. So guys improve your lifestyle and if you are smoking stop smoking, if you are drinking stop drinkng. You know what smoking does ? It's a big problem whenever you smokes, the smokes goes into the lungs then it travels to whole parts of body and it will block all the veins, So guys that this is an indication that if you are feeling weak, if you are not able to climb the mountain it means that you are smoking and this problme is related with your smoking. So stop smoking and if you are drinking, your habbits of drinks should be less. It should be moderate and not more than 2-3 pegs i.e 120ml of alcohol. So guys if you are taking these things in consideration. If you want to talk to us directly you can call us or meet us at Dr Raina's Safe Hands working from past 21 years in the field of every type of diseases. You can come to us, discuss with us. We will give the solution guys our motive is that "Health is Wealth". So if you are taking todays promise, if you are taking a resolution that you want a healthy life than join hands with us.

Patients already treated from past 21 years

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